Sunday, May 20, 2012

Religious extremism

Now that you are aware of Autonomism and the dangers it brings. I'd like to move to another topic, religious extremism.

How would you define "religious extremism"?

"Extremism is an ideology or political act far outside the perceived political center of a society; or otherwise claimed to violate common moral standards." (Wikipedia)

A normal person, just like you said, "All major world religions have one similar doctrine, although they phrase it differently: "Do unto others as you would have them do to you." This is usually the most fundamental rule of any faith.
I would define religious extremism as any person of any faith who puts the other aspects of their beliefs ahead of this doctrine" (Yahoo.Answers)

Another person said, "Someone who is not willing to tolerate other people holding other views. Personally, I don't care if someone holds the most extreme religious beliefs as long as the don't try to impose them on anyone else. Note that even by this definition a lot of very conservative fundamentalists wouldn't necessarily be extremists." (Yahoo.Answers)

"Religious extremism is a radicalized and intolerant viewpoint that typically sanctions the use of violence to promote a defined, religiously motivated political agenda." 

According to the sources above religious extremism is any religion getting nasty. Hurting others because of their faith. Using their faith to gain power and control over others. And then killing them for not following the rules they have establish. Ever religion has its extremists and its own problems.

I would say that religious extremists are very blue. They really think that what they are doing is right and they really do love their religion. But because they are so blue they forget about everything else. They begin to harm others and even break the rules of their religion. They forget the main purpose of religion and loss their faith.

You might be wondering what I mean by "blue", well I'll tell you.

There is a wonderful book out called "The Color Code" by Dr. Taylor Hartman. In it he "groups various aspects of personality and behavior into four color categories: Red, Blue, White, and Yellow." (The Color Code)

Reds: The Power Wielders
Reds are the power wielders of the world. Reds use logic, vision and determination. From a Red perspective, emotion has nothing to do with completing tasks.
Red Strengths Reds are: Action oriented, Assertive, Confident, Decisive, Determined, Disciplined, Independent, Leaders, Logical, Pragmatic, Proactive, Productive, Responsible, and Task-Dominant.
Red Limitations Reds often have to be right. They may come across as harsh and critical, even when they don't mean to. Reds can be cheap. They may tend to give priority to work over personal relationships. Reds may be poor listeners. They can also exhibit controlling and domineering traits.

Blues: The Do-gooders
Life is a sequence of commitments for blues. They thrive on relationships and willingly sacrifice personal gain. Blues are highly demanding perfectionists. They can be distrusting and worry prone. They are complex and intuitive and can be very opinionated. Blues can also be emotional and moody. Blues can be self-righteous and insecure and can also be very self disciplined and sincere.
Blue Strengths Blues are steady, ordered and enduring. Blues love with passion. They bring culture and dependency to society and home. They are highly committed and loyal. They are comfortable in creative environments. They strive to be the best they can be.
Blue Limitations Blues are the most controlling of the four colors. They are insecure and judgmental. Lacking trust, they find themselves resentful or unforgiving. They often fail at seeing the positive side of life. They want so badly to be loved and accepted, constantly seeking understanding from others while often refusing to understand and accept themselves.

Whites: The Peacekeepers
Motivated by Peace, Whites will do anything to avoid confrontation. Their only demands from life are the things that make them feel comfortable. That feeling fosters their need to feel good inside.
White Strengths Whites are kind, considerate, patient and accepting. They are virtually devoid of ego. They are good at constructing thoughts that did not exist before, just from careful listening and taking time to think things through.
White Limitations Whites don’t commonly share what they are feeling, understanding or seeing. They won't express conflict. Whites may be unwilling to set goals. They dislike working at someone else’s pace. They can be very self-deprecating.

Yellows: The Fun Lovers
Yellows are motivated by Fun. They are here to have a great time.
Yellow Strengths Yellows are enthusiastic. They are very persuasive. They are spontaneous in nature. They are always looking for something new to do.
Yellow Limitations They develop friendships with ease but can be very self-centered. They often have lots of friends but on a superficial level. Their self-centered nature blocks them from forming meaningful relationship.

Take the color code test yourself and see what you are! (

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