Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This world is on the brink of destruction

This world is on its way to chaos. In this day and age people don't know what they believe. They say they do and even think that they do, but many do not.They are lost in the drama, confusion, and mess of this world. Though we have improved much and seem to be progressing towards the future. We are all living in, one way or another, a state of ignorance. We have hit a wall where many of histories beliefs and founding ideas are being forgotten. The principles, the foundation that we have built on is being destroyed. Man is on the cutting edge of becoming totally and completely autonomous. He has given up on faith and turned his attention to his own reasoning. He believes that he can build the world upon himself. This ideology is nothing new. Its destructive powers have been seen before throughout history. Plato, Marx, Darwin, Hitler, and many others have helped it progress. This ideology is all about control and proven facts. It takes away man's simple gift to believe and replaces it with false dumbing down views. Man's ability to think and simply believe in something other then himself is being destroyed.

Now you might still be wondering what I'm talking about here. Saying that I have given but little detail on the subject. And you would be right, I have only scratched the surface of this problem. To get straight to the point, the great disease of society and the whole world is communism and the ideas of socialism. To make things clearer though and more true in my opinion I will refer to them both simply as autonomism. Autonomism is a fun word for collective independence. Meaning that people are no longer individuals but one collective of beings.

There is no future in a world of autonomism. It is the most finite system of living. It is a world of controlled thinking, (that the people think is their own) controlled learning (that people think is open and free) and a world of slaves (that think they are free) This is the point of disaster. Other worldviews that fall under this word are Totalitarianism, Atheism, and anything that takes away man's view. His belief in something greater then himself. Autonomism is irreligion.

Irreligious thinking
Irreligion thinking: "There is no absolute truth."

"Life is meaningless"

"Science is the only avenue to truth"

"All morality is relative"

"Each individual determines his or her own purpose in life. There is no ultimate purpose assertions"

"The theory of evolution, which is lauded as a natural law, contends that complexity (life) arises out of simplicity (nonlife) without the aid of intelligence."

"Humanity is, by nature, good."

"What is needed today is rational and logical thinking."

(Dean C. Halverson 191)

Autonomism trashing every other worldview
This is why understanding worldviews and especially our own is so important. How can we stop this autonomous monster from taking over if we don't understand it and what it is targeting? Every other worldview and its faith.


  1. Excellent. I totally agree. Even though those who prescribe to veiws that fall under autonism would have you believe that they are for equality and the relief of suffering for all mankind, in truth, they are only after power and gain, or have been duped into following someone else whose only objective is power and gain. They think that they know what is best for everyone else, and that we're too ignorant to have the right to choose our own destiny; nor that there could be a higher power that could guide us in those choices.

  2. This is a great blog and you have stimulated my thinking. We live in a world today where history is being rewritten to conform to the goals of world leaders. We must each do our own research and learn and document the facts of history ourselvese. We must preserve the facts for our postarity and those who fall within the reach of our influence that they might know the truth. Tne truth and only the truth will set us free.
    John Oleson
